Noticeable "Mucho Gusto" faces a fragile state of health


Francisca Reyes, is the star noted in "Mucho Gusto", the reporter is the one who made Luis Jara, Ivette Vergara, Karla Constant, among others, crying for their interesting stories of the protagonists of the morning. 19659002] Always happy and funny was Francisca, however, who changed. Now the editor of the program "lives days of terror" as recorded MON because he has all the right side of the body numb and has not yet received a medical diagnosis .

It all started a few months ago. the communicator. "I woke up with numbness in my right arm." As it has already happened and the neurologist said that it could be an episode of stress, I badociated it with the same thing and I did not catch it. But two weeks ago the whole left side of my face fell asleep. I had the same feeling as when the dentist injects you with anesthesia. There I was scared . "

All this happened in full live program so his bosses quickly referred him to the doctor." After a series of tests, the communicator thought that " had multiple sclerosis "but in the end it was not that.

" Since I knew I did not have multiple sclerosis, it was a relief, I can take "he said, after not knowing for sure, the true diagnosis.

" That changed my life ". In addition, I do not want to see anymore my family, nor my polo, with a face of sorrow. On Friday they give me the results of other examinations and I hope that something is defined there ", closed.

Just as I often share the good things that happen in my life , today it is necessary to share what is not so much … have been days of fatigue, uncertainty and especially of a lot of love! Some time ago I started with a numbness in my right hand, and then my left side and all the right side of my body, I found myself at the clinic with a diagnosis that seemed untimely … terrible throughout my body … (I must admit that the physical pain was small next to the pain that gave me see my people suffer for me) Even the diagnosis is not clear, it can be very simple or can -be not, but I'm there face it, because I know that I have the main tool to do it, my love! Me rci to all those who sent me a message of encouragement! I'm fine, already in the house and immensely grateful for life ? And you @pablo_ortiz_j that you have once again had to give up everything for me, just look at yourself and understand that I'm immensely lucky to have you, you tell me make you feel against sea!

Post shared by Francisca Reyes (@pancha_reyest) on [22juillet1990] July 22, 2018 at 6:37 pm PDT

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