now they have a phrase of the Colo Colo anthem in their stands in the locker room


As part of the remodeling of costumes, a piece of "like Colo Colo no hay" was placed in the position of each player.

A nice surprise took the Colo Colo players in the main locker of the Portas ad Monumental of the return of the Championship.

And, through their social networks, Cacique showed that now every footballer has a piece of the Colo Colo anthem in the position where he sits every day:

Video | The Colo Colo anthem on the stands of the players

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The numbers of the team of co

In addition, you can see the number of the shirt that everyone will use and also a new graph for the space where they keep their things.

A small detail that imbues the identity of the popular every corner of our home.

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