Nuuk confirms its commitment to the electric vehicle. Deia, News from Bizkaia


BILBAO – The commitment to electric mobility in urban areas has opened up a new commercial niche that the Basque company Nuuk wants to exploit by designing new light electric vehicles. He plans to present this week two prototypes of two new electric three-wheelers he created, baptized sidecargo for the carriage of goods and sidecab to transport pbadengers.

According to Nuuk sources, these two prototypes are part of a "very advanced" project that envisages the mbad production of these electric vehicles in mid-2019, in a production plant in Euskadi.

Like the Nuuk bike, which was sold at last October's market and which is badembled in the facilities of the Catalan motorcycle company Rieju in Figueres (Girona), the two new vehicles are equipped with the powertrain of the bike: blackboard, LCD screen, engine and batteries, Bosch brand.

The structure corresponds to that of a motorcycle equipped with a sidecar, covered with a bodywork, powered by an electric motor adapted to the needs of its use, with greater power for move more weight and a limited speed at around 40 km / h.

Up to now, the Bizkaian company based in Etxebarri has manufactured several prototypes for fairs and certification tests, with different levels of prototyping. , considering these two new electric vehicles, can travel the streets of Madrid, the first potential market for this type of vehicles, in mid-2019, having been manufactured in a factory in Euskadi.

As part of the strategic plan of the Basque society, next Thursday, in collaboration with Trans Coop Madrid, will be considered a "reference of mobility" in the national capital, thanks to two new transport models, created with "totally private funding, able to meet all needs." guarantees on the challenges posed by Plan A for air quality, which will be implemented in the center of Madrid on November 30, "said Nuuk sources. [19659002] For commercialization in the Spanish capital, the pbadenger car vehicle with a peripheral vision cabin will bear the name of Nuuk's partner company Webo in this project, which its leaders consider to be "an ideal way of enjoying the emblematic center" of Madrid. makes an ideal alternative to zero emissions for tourist services. "

For its part, the vehicle used for sending large cargoes will bear the name of Tuk Tuk Cargo in Madrid. – E. P.

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