"One must always have transparency": the darts of "Clavito & # 39; to Díaz for his arrival in Unión | Soccer


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Leonardo Rubilar / Agencia UNO

Nothing has been saved. Hernán & # 39; Clavito & # 39; Godoy technical director of the descendant San Marcos de Arica, severely criticized Fernando Díaz next coach of Unión Española.

Nothing positive if Díaz, who worked as a sports director, took over the bench from the Spanish surface after dismissal of Martín Palermo .

"I think it's not good, if you're going to do it momentarily for a few days, okay." But if he's the technical manager, he has to find a technician adapted to the program he had ", completing without hesitation that one " if that leaves much to be desired ". Same line, "Clavito" told the media that "we must have transparency in football and in life", will record the Cbad del Fútbol.

Recall that "Nano" Díaz and Martín Palermo had a tense relationship in the distribution of Santa Laura. The findings of the decor at the exit of & # 39; Loco & # 39 ;.

For his part, Fernando Díaz is defended from all critics with a message on Facebook: "Due to the sports situation of the club, they asked me to take charge of it. professional team and that, at the same time, we are continuing the good work done in other areas such as training, "he explained.

"The respect of Jorge Segovia who supported me and who also made the Union progress in the face of complicated situations, made me forget the risks of the moment, of the situation and of the activity. There are moments to be silent and not to take into account the absurdities … " concludes.

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