One year after Chester's death: we remember the hybrid theory


"Why are we still talking about 'The Hybrid Theory'? More than years ago the devil, it's a great album, we love it, but it's time to get rid of this shit ". In these terms, Chester Bennington singer of the late Linkin Park (19459008), was referring to the first album of the Californian band. The badtet was preparing the release of "One more light" (2017), their last album, and their followers were not very happy with the turn towards electronic pop, reinvented again and again, that the ensemble had given . [19659002] "Hybrid theory" was a generational album. For those born between 1985 and 1992, this album was probably the icon of their first approach to contemporary rock. Your parents listened to the Beatles, Led Zeppelin or Black Sabbath; your older cousins ​​or brothers in Nirvana, Soundgarden and Pearl Jam; you listened to Linkin Park

The first beat of the band commanded by Mike Shinoda and Bennington himself was enraged, an explosion of teenage fury and energy, those who in 2000 felt lonely, separated and unbalanced in the society. From there was born, at least, four instant clbadics (all singles) such as "Papercut", "One more step", "Crawling" and "At the end" as the most representative . Linkin Park was one of the most prominent groups on MTV and the rest of the music chains at that time . Also radios from all over the world. They were not even exclusive to the stations that focused the rock scene. In fact, in Chile, his second album "Meteora" (2003) was part of the soundtrack of a juvenile soap opera.

All this commercial apparatus behind the men's "Points of Authority" led to the "hybrid theory" become the best selling start of the 21st century and one of the top 10 albums sold the last decade the only considered as rock in this list. confirmed Bennington's suicide at the age of 41 fans and followers of the group point directly to the words of their idols, as a way to try to answer the questions of d & # 39; 39, a death that seems almost familiar. If so, the first album of Linkin Park was littered with references to the singer's inner ghosts

while the musician was not the main composer – Shinoda fulfilled this function – phrases like "There are something inside me pulling under the surface / consuming, confused / this lack of self-control I'm afraid it never ends " in" crawling "or" it's as if I am paranoid looking behind my back / it's like a swirl in my head / I can not stop what I hear inside "Papercut", they can s & # 39; 39 badociating with a musician who suffered from drug and alcohol problems and who even said at one time that he had thought of suicide as a possible way out

of one way or from another, the numbers and the cultural impact in a generation have given way to the "hybrid theory" and Lin Park kin within a generation. the history of rock .

* This article was published on July 20, 2017, the same day that the death of Chester Bennington

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