Özil broke the silence after the German failure: "We were not good enough" | International


The German midfielder Mesut Özil criticized in recent weeks for his play and political controversy, ended this Saturday with the decision to keep public silence, three days after the elimination of his selection in the first phase of the World Cup, a failure that admits "he does a lot of damage" .

"We were not good enough," he said in English on his Twitter account. "I'm going to need some time to get over it" he says, accompanying his tweet with the #SayNoToRacism label (Say no to racism).

The player, born in the mining and industrial area of ​​the Ruhr and of Turkish origin, had not made any statements to reporters during the stay in Russia's "Mannschaft" ("Mannschaft & # 39; and not before the competition, except for short messages on social networks.

Özil, who has been playing for the Englishman Arsenal since 2013, has been criticized in Germany for his poor performance on the field, being often singled out as one of the reasons for the fiasco of the game. team of Joachim Löw who finished at the bottom of the group F after his defeat 2-0 against South Korea on Wednesday

In addition, Özil has been immersed since mid-May in a controversy extra- for his photos, with the German international Ilkay Gündogan, with Turkish President Recep Tayy. ip Erdogan, who was in the election campaign.

Özil and Gündogan participated in a meeting with Erdogan in London and from the beginning the images generated accusations of not respecting German values. Özil chose to remain silent despite the criticism he received even from the German Football Association (DFB) first.

The question took a political advantage and became an immigration controversy and the integration of foreign children in Germany, fed largely from the far right.

A section of the German fans booed both players before the World Cup and, according to the coach of the goalkeepers of the national team, Andreas Köpke, Özil was insulted by a fan when he left the field on Wednesday against the South Koreans

Having a leave the World Cup and after the group stage hurt so much. We were not good enough. I will need some time to put it back. #SayNoToRacism #Worldcup #Russia2018 #M1O pic.twitter.com/mFOOhYQZen

– Mesut Özil (@ MesutOzil1088) June 29, 2018

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