Pamela Díaz criticized Carola de Moras for defending Nicolás López


Reactions continue to appear in the series of accusations of badual abuse and work done against the director Nicolás López by means of a magazine report Saturday .

There are several celebrities who They talked about this situation that involves one of the most successful Chilean filmmakers of recent years. Even the controversy led to the return of old quarrels, like that of Pamela Díaz and Carola de Moras .

On Monday, the ex-host of the Viña Festival said "what I can say for myself, after what I know about Nicolás, is that, of course, is of risky sizes, of sizes that everyone can misunderstand, but that is his sense of humor . "

" If Nico I shot a size , I understood it as a size, I never felt raped, I never felt worn to wear. "

This caused Díaz -which was taken from" La Mañana de Chilevisión " to refer to De Moras as "the wrong copy of Tonka Tomicic" – I replied on Twitter.

"When there are women who dare to say what was previously silent, I believe all those who raise their voices with the truth. I badure you that it is not l. humor what they experienced (the victims) ", wrote" La Fiera "before the comment of a tweeter dissatisfied with the words of Carola de Moras

Mmmmm q wrong … when there are women who dare to say what they used to be quiet
I believe that all q have raised their voices with the TRUTH and have badured you this is not humor what they have experienced.

– pamela díaz (@pamelafiera) 2 July 2018

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