Pasapalabra – AS Chile


Statements after what happened in ADC are over. What matters, it is the awareness, suppose that security problems are badociated with deeper roots and should be a matter of state. Football is only a pretext

The shooting of the CDA is not an isolated incident, nor the blame of Blue Blue for letting 76 athletes and supporters take training, nor relevant because that he provoked aggression on a sports channel . Johnny Herrera and Esteban Paredes bogged down and reduced the incident to a so-called shock of swelling or unhappy statements. Here, the underlying problem is the existence of criminal groups that act according to the law, endangering, consciously and unconsciously, third parties by the use of force and by a pseudo-sporting cause.

The case is sad and worrying. But this is part of a very broad context. Just have a minimum sense of reality to realize that the efforts of the last governments and beyond the work of the police, plans like Safe Stadium and even the work of some clubs that work well their relationship with fans like the University of Chile, they are insufficient . The wound is much deeper, multifactorial, of sociological traits. It concerns inequality, lack of opportunities, access to education, dysfunctional homes, real reintegration policies of perpetrators and a long list of reasons.

The affiliation of the most vulnerable groups to social risk his bars have different slopes. A range that expresses the natural taste of football, through the escape valve that represents for disadvantaged groups the identification with a club with the status that gives access to power within a group organized as a brave bar There, at the top of the phenomenon, the border becomes diffuse because if these badociations respond to a plausible motivation, they have in fact rooted radicalized factions that, in some cases, validate the violence. or are willing to go beyond the law as long as accessing the energy quota. The point is that deals seriously with the problem. Who identifies the risks? How are the leaders of these groups regulated? What are the limits? We are talking about a very difficult problem because the roots are not in football, which is the pretext, originally, lies in the inequality of the society we built.

In more extreme cases, when there are explicit confrontations between antagonistic bars or pending accounts between internal factions that badume representativeness and leadership, the result is worrisome. Because we are talking about adults with a total capacity for discernment, usually in rebellion with the model, with society and eager to do everything. Outraged that in the middle of an obvious distortion, football and the defense of a shield are a flag of struggle. In the dark background are other incentives, a toxic mix of power, leadership, ego and money. The Law of the Strongest

Correcting or ameliorating this reality imposes a country commitment, a state decision, with a greater social emphasis, but also of the private world. The former president of the ANFP, Ricardo Abumohor, speaking at ICARE a few years ago, made them see other businessmen that with of the will and less ambition, the court could be twinned and the country get out of underdevelopment

The ADC is not fair . There is no difference between a drug takeoff and, for example, burglary or nicking a web. The background is the same. The clubs and the ANFP have made progress in stadium security, but it has been shown that this is not necessarily extended to other areas of Santiago. There is work to be done and the police information on the subject must be upgraded as a matter of urgency.

  Escudo / Bandera U. from Chile

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