Paulina Rojas clarifies her situation as cheerleader of the morning of CHV: no one has said anything | TV and show


The departure of Carolina de Moras from Chilevisión's morning did not surprise anyone, but it's a blow for his team.

At least he explained Paulina Rojas member of the panel specializing in space, which currently replaces De Moras.

"Anyone on the team who goes out, who comes in front of or behind the camera, is complicated, you see the team affected and if it is she, of course, because she is the cheerleader. The whole team is suffering, but we have to move forward because we have to work " he told La Cuarta.

The journalist also badured that she was not the natural successor to the cheerleader and that in reality, "nobody said anything to me". "La Carola left recently and after I can not find anything to do that I talk about this issue, I feel we must be respectful. I do not occupy it, I make the mentions and it looks like that The one who cheers is Rafa " he said.

He also explained that "being a cheerleader does not depend on me … I am not an expert for The Mañana of CHV . 39, next year is the time when the contracts move in. The morning has a second place and we are fighting day by day.There is a lot of competition and it is good that this happens "

Rumors suggest that the channel would want Pamela Díaz or Karen Doggenweiler driving, which does not stop you from sleeping. "If I ever felt that (boredom not to be considered for the cheerleader job), it was in previous years, and it's over.Now I'm grateful for the other things: to have a job, to spend the afternoon of my children, to pick them up every day at school and, if so, it will be when it is necessary, but I am always happy as a panelist, "he said.

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