Paulo Garcés assured that he was thinking of retirement by a doping case | Sports


The porter of Antofagasta, Paulo Garcés was released from the doping case in which he was involved during the first semester and of which he was finally acquitted .

In conversation with El Mercurio de Antofagasta the goalkeeper confessed that "this process is the worst thing that I had to live in football and he touch the staff for a subject that is called doping and that many ignore and they report it immediately to drugs. "

" This has greatly affected me, because j & rsquo; I did all the exams and they told me that I had nothing "Garcès said that he was thinking about the withdrawal and that" the pros and cons of the situation were badyzed and discussed, I had very serious conversations, but obviously the support of my family was always if I decided to take a step l costado . "

" I'm not going to lie or I'm going to hide it, actually one of the things we talked a lot about with my wife was this one .I spent a lot of up of things in my career, but eventually everything that happened to me gives me the strength to keep fighting for a family goal "he admitted

. I started training normally. I have had a trial of at least a month and a half of court, I do not give anyone this situation since everything is very complex, personally and professionally. "

" The month and a half that I left, I worked it apart, coaching me in gyms and with an archer coach. Obviously still I miss football but they will pbad training and double shifts and I will fine-tune, "he concluded.

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