Paz Bascuñán recommended Abreu and López to take advice from Imaginacción


The director of the television series Herval Abreu and the film-maker Nicolás López both accused of badual abuse against actresses asked "separately" Imaginacción's advice to cope with the crisis after the reports that they made known the accusations against him, according to La Tercera .

and both came to the consultant of ex-minister Enrique Correa on the recommendation of actress Paz Bascuñán who worked with Abreu in "Soltera Otra Vez" and with López in several films, being also the godfather of the eldest son of the actress

"The people involved in the case say that the first days of April both (Abreu and López) have crossed, separately, the corridors of the office of Enrique Correa in Providencia with the recommendation, made by the actress Paz Bascuñán that he could handle a crisis it happens Aba for an investigation journalistic on the national #MeToo ", detailed the newspaper La Tercera .

The newspaper adds that "in fact, the actress – member of a family accustomed to temporary political time (] Editor's Note: She is the granddaughter of Patricio Aylwin ) – or someone close to her, she would have communicated directly with Correa. Near Bascuñán completely deny this version . The third PM tried to communicate with the actress of yesterday, but that was not possible.At the end of this edition, she had to issue a statement about the case of López, who is a partner of her husband, Miguel Asensio. "

The interview 2 weeks before the scandal

The media also explained how the Lopez interview was published June 17 only 2 weeks before Saturday's magazine discloses harbadment charges Lopez, the same media had revealed the case of Abreu in April

"From the company they insist that did not have any record of complaints against López and that it was a promotional activity of his next film ", says La Tercera .

"The concrete thing is that on Tuesday, June 12 one of the journalists of Imaginacción called La Tercera to offer an interview with Lopez. He proposed to talk about two films that he had on file – one on anorexia and the other on badual abuse – in addition to the first of his films outside of Chile, "explains she.] the journalist was directly consulted if this offer was part of Lopez's communication strategy in the face of any accusations and they knew that there was an accusation, an accusation or an investigation against him ", but " Imaginacción replied to La Tercera that there was none of that. "

The Journal adds that Herval Abreu has already terminated his relationship with the consultant because he believes that "with or without a belt For his part, his career has not was more as such "

In contrast, Nicolás López with" Imaginacción still follows . In the beginning, the creator of "Sin Filtro & # 39; went to the offices of the company. After this Saturday, the meetings were moved to his home – where a consultant's team comes – or to the office of his lawyer, Paula Vial who would have been recommended by the consultant. "

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