Pekerman criticized the brusque play of the English: "We must defend football a little more" | International


The Colombian coach, Jose Pekerman, criticized what he considered to be abrupt play by the English and the constant interruptions in the match that ended with the standings of England for the quarterfinals of the World Cup in the penal. "We have to defend football a bit more," he demanded.

Pekerman qualified the match against the Englishmen as "hard, hard and uncomfortable" and criticized the work of the American referee Mark Geiger ] because there was "Several situations in which we had the impression that we were going to load something" .

The veteran Argentine coach denounced – according to him – the ease of English players to fall into the surface: " It is not known if the player falls because he is pushed or looking to jump to find the fault (… He has already been seen several times in this World Cup ", he said in reference to the three penalties that were called in favor of the English

"Surely of the next game, they will be more careful in these things." Pekerman, however, said that "it does not tarnish that England has a very good team and that Colombia is revealed to be a team with a lot of virtues (…) brave, balanced, although we lacked perhaps a little depth, but it was also very difficult to get into a match where there was a lot of fear when the ball went on the zones. "19659003] On the game and the approach of the country Like, Pekerman, who did not want to clarify when he will continue to lead the coffee team regretted that "the flanks can not match as much that we had planned. "

And he was referring to two players in particular. Central Yerri Mina, author of the draw goal in the second half off, said: "I'm not surprised at all, because we always thought we could give that. He is a player with enormous virtues and we were able to recover him in the World Cup "after half a season without playing in Barcelona.

From James Rodríguez the great absent from the match for injury, Pekerman admitted that "is a key player in the creation and definition and unfortunately we could not have him in the tournament"

"Excited and Beaten"

The technician, who admitted that the "serious and unfounded" comments to Colombian players and to the South American country by the English press had disturbed them, related to the time of the penalties, in which he seemed very excited

I felt excited (by the failure of Jordan Henderson) and defeated at the same time (when the elimination was consumed). This team was much beaten, has progressed a lot and is not resigned to any opponent. "

On the occasion of the World Cup, Pekerman said that" all teams have the hope of reaching the finals.

"We, like everyone else, had this dream and the team did everything possible to succeed" despite the final result, he concluded

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