Pellegrini added Felipe Anderson in West Ham


Manuel Pellegrini continues to add reinforcements to his new team, West Ham United and now he has announced the signature of Felipe Anderson Brazilian de Lazio, who signed a contract for four seasons for 40 million euros.

The midfielder of aged 25 joins Fabián Balbuena Ryan Fredericks Issa Diop Lukasz Fabianski Sebastian Nebyla J ] ack Wilshere and Andriy Yarmolenko as reinforcement of "hammers".

The player, who has dressed the shirt of the Brazilian team on previous occasions, said a statement on their social networks, where he details his commitment to the new shirt and did not rule out become a club legend.

"The West Ham is a team with a lot of tradition, where there have been many great players like Bobby Moore, Carlos Tévez and Paolo di Canio" Anderson said in social networks [19659009] window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
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