Photos | Argentina organizes the first Copa America of the dwarves against discrimination


Argentina has been organizing since Thursday the first America's Cup of Dwarf football history with the aim of boosting integration, to overcome prejudices and end discrimination against these people. [19659002] The championship, which will last until October 28, brings together players from Chile, Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, United States, Canada, Paraguay, Peru, Bolivia and Morocco (extracontinental guest )

"Our situation is one of the most discriminated in the world, what we are doing is changing that, seeing what we are doing and knowing that we are ready to play. football, to work and study, "he explained. Facundo Rojas, captain of the Argentine team

Details of the matches

The matches take place in closed stadiums and on futsal courts, where they face seven to seven. Another difference is that the arches measure 1.70 meters high and 2 meters wide.

"I was able to meet [l'étoile argentine de Barcelone] Leo Messi and he told me that he had listened positively." Tell us about it. If it happened to him, it's because the project has developed well, "he told the agency. AFP Diego Serpentini, footballer of the albiceleste team.

Oromar Miranda, Team Player Brazil pointed out that "many years ago, we had never dreamed of playing a match. official football one day, so we are acting very important and important. "

AFP Information

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