Pinilla and Araos say adis, and the club is looking for a replacement against time


It was a day of madness. Within hours, U lost two of its main players: Mauricio Pinilla and ngelo Araos. They leave the club. One to Coln Santa Fe, the other to Corinthians. So fast everything is unleashed, as the two traveled yesterday to Antofagasta for this afternoon's match against the "Pumas", but nearly an hour in the afternoon, both were released . It is more, in the evening, "Pinigol" was back in Santiago and today he traveled to Argentina.

In Azul Azul they say that since the middle of the week Coln Vena negotiating with Mauricio Valenzuela, representative of Pinilla, a contract for two years and a salary of 37 million gross monthly, about 20% more than in the U.

In the dealership acknowledge that 'in July 2017, when Pinilla arrived at the U, he did not charge the lease of his pbad Yet, in the transandine press, they point out that his departure left an allowance close to 450 000 US $

Whatever the case, the player returned to Pudahuel stating that "I am still a player of the U". Curious, more when minutes before Ronald Fuentes, director of the club, confirmed his adis

The connoisseurs of the negotiations, in any case, claim that Pinilla himself came up with the offer at the club, and that stay at U asked a As the response of the regency was negative, opt to leave.

"We have decided to give Pinilla freedom because it is a contract that is much more advantageous to him." Jos Vignatti, President of Coln, told "El Mercurio": "Our coach (Eduardo Domnguez) particularly requested the arrival of the player and that is why we made every effort to Come for two years and can be renewed by one more. "

Pinilla's Year had several controversies: his fight with Jean Beauséjour in full match against Colo Colo, his challenges to Yeferson Soteldo and the treatment with corticosteroids submitted

With ngelo Araos, there was little rgen. The Corinthians pay the US $ 5 million exit clause and the U Term lamenting his departure. Half of the money goes to Antofagasta, the club owns 50% of the pbad. "This is not the first offer that comes to her, but it's the only one that respects the entire original clause," reveals an academic source.

A ram

In Blue Blue they say that they will not replace in Araos, but in Pinilla. As the secular table has no foreign quota available and can only hire first division players, they are looking for Chileans abroad, although against time because August 9 , the deadline to register new players expires

. the names that generate the consensus is that of nello Henrquez, who in the last season in Atlas had no continuity. "They attract us and are the most available because they do not play in Mexico," they say in the blue cap.

& # 39; & # 39; We decided to give Pinilla freedom because it is a much more advantageous contract RONALD FUENTES, sports director of the U.

"Corinthians has an agreement with Antofagasta and we, it is unfortunate, we know how important it was for us." OTHER BY RONALD FUENTES

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