Pinilla is again discarded for the Chile Cup


The coach of the University of Chile, Frank Kudelka, announced Thursday the loss of experienced striker Mauricio Pinilla to revenge against Cobreloa on Saturday for the quarter-finals of the Copa Chile 2018

Explain the bottom of the striker, the strategist of Argentine origin said in a press conference that "now he has another problem in the back that does not let him train. normally, so it will not be taken into account. "

He also lost the rematch of eighths against Colchagua, Rancagua, and the first leg match with the loínos for muscular overload

Those who will not be in the Gramado of "Desert Foxes" & # 39; ; Due to injury are before Francisco Arancibia and Gustavo Lorenzetti

Meanwhile, Kudelka also commented on the situation of Panamanian midfielder Armando Cooper, who did not have the expected regularity in the collegiate shop and waits Regarding the World Cup in Russia, the former coach of Talleres de Córdoba said: "I know Armando Cooper, he had his well deserved rest after the World Cup, we will see under what circumstances we will find him face to face.the next games. "

" These are players who occupy seats, I will not say more than what I've already said, we have to accept this way, I have no other information that continues with us. "

Kudelka played the series of five consecutive wins and improvement that introduced the team since his arrival.

"I do not care about the series, we do not propose it, it helps us to keep improving as a team." It's important to get involved. the players in the idea of ​​the game. Winning predisposes in the right way, as it helps to improve and accept what is asked of the players. "

With regard to the experimented improvement, the trans- Andin said: "I am satisfied in some respects and not in others.We knew it was going to be like that.Return mentally with triumphs the abnormal situation brought by the team is good. We are in evolutionary facets, but playing regularly does not allow us to form certain concepts.There are things we do well and others that we do not do well.It is this on what is the preparation? "

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