Pity Álvarez was sent to the psychiatric ward of Ezeiza


The singer refused yesterday to testify before Judge Yadarola after being recognized to the press as the author of the murder of Cristian Díaz; Before turning around, he had taken refuge in the village. 1-11-14

He had just arrived at the 8-C police station of the city police to surrender,

Cristian Gabriel Álvarez Congiu, the most famous musician under the name of Pity Álvarez
He confessed in front of the cameras that he had
shot dead in Cristian Díaz in Cardenal Samoré district, in Villa Lugano.

"Yes, it was me who was shooting, I killed him because it was between him and I. It was him or me." He was a child who was screaming because otherwise he was going to kill me, "said the voice of Viejas Locas when he arrived at the police station, in an Audi driven by his lawyer, Sebastián Queijeiro.

So, wearing the same psychedelic jacket that he had early morning homicide and sunglbades, Alvarez put an end to his fugitive status. A few hours later, the singer did not speak to the Criminal and Correctional Court of Buenos Aires, Martín Yadarola. On the advice of the official defender who helped him, he refused to testify

. This has been reported to LA NACION by judicial sources. Judge Yadarola ordered that the musician be housed in the Ezeiza Prison under the Interministerial Program for Mental Health in Argentina (Prisma), which houses prisoners suffering from mental disorders or behavior resulting from the consumption of psychoactive substances. In the coming days, according to the sources consulted, Judge Yadarola will decide whether to order a series of psychophysical studies to have more information on the physical and mental health of Viejas Locas' voice.

In the Prism, which is known as psychiatric, are detained, among others, Giselle Rímolo, Martín Ríos (the shooter of Belgrano, declared inimputable) and Susana Freydoz (the widow of the former governor Carlos Soria) . The former leader of Callejeros Patricio Fontanet also crossed this area

This area was created in 2011 with the aim of coordinating public mental health policies aimed at persons deprived of their liberty with mental or behavioral disorders resulting of the consumption of

The place, which operates in the federal penitentiary complex I (Ezeiza), has a capacity of 75 patients.

"I think my son is not a murderer." The treatments did not work. The victim always sat at the door and they had a contact, "said Cristina, the musician's mother, in an interview with TN news channel.

Technically, Pity Alvarez was fleeing almost 20 hours The time he wandered through the western area of ​​?? the conurbation of Buenos Aires, the villa 1-11-14 and the Rivadavia district, to Bajo Flores.

This has been reported to the NACION by the sources of investigation. "He was trying to hide in the houses of his friends, but the pressure and harbadment of the investigative brigades of the municipal police and the Buenos Aires police prevented friends from helping him become a fugitive, and he had no other choice than from Diaz, 35, was killed by three bullets in the face and one in the chest, according to Security Secretary of Buenos Aires, Marcelo D'Alessandro.

Judge Yadarola He expects to receive the ballistic report in the coming hours to confirm or deny that the weapon, a 6.35 caliber gun, sequestered in a sewer at 300 meters from the crime scene, was the one used in the homicide.

Alvarez, 45, went with his girlfriend, a girl named Agustina, to Pinar de Rocha, in Ramos Mejía, where he presented a show Ulises Bueno. At Pinar de Rocha, they met the father-in-law of Agustina. Almost immediately, Pity broke away from the two and stayed with some friends

At that moment, Agustina broke down and told her stepfather that her boyfriend had committed a homicide.

"After leaving the bowling alley Álvarez has been walking in the suburb of Pinar de Rocha until it has occurred between 10 and 11 am at William Morris's in Hurlingham , at his girlfriend 's, "says a source of the investigation.

Agustina's father-in-law tried to convince him to indulge in justice

"Álvarez got into the car of his father-in-law's father-in-law, and everyone thought that" I'm going to get it. " he was going to surrender, but when they reached the height of Caseros, Pity said that he wanted to get off and that he was not going to surrender, "recalled the consulted source.

He got out of the car and started running aimlessly. He spent a few hours in different areas of the conurbano until he decided to return to the Cardenal Samoré neighborhood, according to sources with access to the file.

In the evening, he sent WhatApps messages to his lawyer, Sebastián Queijeiro, according to he held LA NACION the lawyer.

"I have to see you," Alvarez told his lawyer in the messages. "We finally met at a Caseros petrol station and then took him to the police station," Ms. Queijeiro explained. The lawyer did not accompany him to the hearing before Judge Yadarola and, as he said, was represented by an official defender.

At the police station, the musician broke down and had to be badisted by the Medical Emergency Medical Service. ) who stabilized him so that he could be transferred to the courthouse, in Talcahuano 550. Later in the afternoon, he refused to testify and was referred to the penitentiary complex of Ezeiza

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