Pornhub will have videos with subtitles | Society


In an action that might well be framed in social responsibility and inclusion, the popular adult content site, Pornhub will add subtitles to his videos

. Engadget, the portal will add this feature in their library to those who have problems such as hearing loss.

There will be more than a thousand videos that will have the possibility of descriptive and interpretative text, not only to know what they are talking about but also to be able to approach the emotions expressed by the actors.

Contrary to other initiatives, the subtitling was done in a personal way and not by means of an algorithm as happens with other platforms.

A curious move that can be considered as something commercial (since they downloaded visits to Pornhub to see the option), although it should be noted that many consumers of this type of content they are interested in stories and intrigue (as happens especially with the female audience).

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