Postcards left by the baptism of the daughter of Dominique Gallego and Rodrigo Wainraihgt


As it is nice.

This weekend was held in the wonderful southern environment the baptism of postcards left by the baptism of Vicenta, daughter of the museum commemorated "40 or 20 years", Dominique Gallego and Seremi Vivienda Los Lagos, Rodrigo Wainraihgt

And this is the old girl of reality who remembers who shared several postcards of the ceremony and the subsequent celebration of this important family event on her Instagram account, receiving comments such as, a vicenta are a beautiful family .. "" Beautiful family God bless you always !! "What a beautiful family, I hope you are always an example to others" "Hello, I see you have consolidated in your family life. What more can you ask for the truth? if finally it's the only real thing that's true, it's transitory "and" Beautiful, I love baptizing the pigs of the big kids, grasp the meaning and enjoy that blessing with all their family, "to name a few.

It should be noted that Vicenta came to This World in August 2015 and lives with his parents, his father and his older brother, Martin, in Puerto Varas, in the heart of the beautiful landscapes of southern Chile. [19659003]


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