Pussy Riot claimed the fans' entry in the final


The punk rock band Pussy Riot obtains the entry of four fans at the court while the 2018 Russian final is played between France and Croatia at the minute 52

The petition of the collective is to demand more political freedoms in Russia, in addition to rejecting the arrests of demonstrators by the armed forces in this country.

МОЛНИЯ! Прямо сейчас – четверо участников Pussy Riot в финале Чемпионата Мира по футболу: "Миллиционер вступает в игру" на поле Чемпионата Мира! https://t.co/sfYG9oyoDb pic.twitter.com/0jYVIZKdyC

– (@badrrriot) July 15, 2018

The group states that the protest was motivated by the anniversary Death of Dimitri Prigov a dissident Russian poet of the former Soviet Union.

The artist in his work refers to a "celestial police" who is far away, according to Pussy Riot ] behavior of "indifference" and repression of the police before the demonstrations in Russia. This was part of the filmmaker's hunger strike Oleg Sentsov convicted of "alleged terrorist activities in the annexed peninsula of Crimea", which demands the release of all imprisoned Ukrainian political prisoners in Russia. [19659006] REVIEW HERE FULL TEXT

A few minutes ago, four riot members occurred in the last match of the FIFA World Cup – "LA POLICE ENTERS THE GAME "

11 years have pbaded since the death of the great Russian poet Dimitri Prigov. Prigov created an image of a policeman, a carrier of the celestial nation, in Russian culture. The heavenly police, according to Prigov, speak with the god himself. The ground policeman is preparing to disperse the rallies. The heavenly police gently play a flower in a field and enjoy the victories of the Russian football team, while the earthly policeman feels indifferent to the hunger strike of Oleg Sentsov. [1945908]

The heavenly police stands as an example of the nation, the earthly policeman hurts everyone. The heavenly police protect the baby's dream, the land police persecute political prisoners, imprison people for "republication" and "love me". The heavenly police is the organizer of the beautiful carnival of the world cup, the earthly policeman is afraid of the celebration.

The Celestial Police carefully monitor the rules of the game, the landed policeman enters the game that does not care about the rules. The FIFA World Cup has reminded us of the possibilities of the heavenly police in the Greater Russia of the future, but the land police, entering the game of stalemate, breaks our world. When the ground policeman enters the game, we ask:

1. Release all political prisoners.

2. Do not imprison for "I love him."

3. They stop illegal arrests at rallies.

4. Allow political competition in the country.

5. Do not invent criminal charges and not keep people in prisons for no reason.

6. Turn the Earth Policeman into the Celestial Police. "

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