Queen's star shines more than ever – 04/11/2018


The film that brings Freddie Mercury and Queen to the fore just released with the same title as one of the group's central themes, Rhapsody Bohemia. The death of the conductor and singer is about to turn 27, on November 24, 1991, in his mansion in Kensington, a few hours after confessing to the world that he had contracted HIV through a press release . The production of the film took almost a decade and is, after all, another manifestation of 's attempt to preserve Mercury' s legacy as well as the reissue of records, the production of 39, other records and world tours under the name of the Queen.

Freddie's fortune, at the time of his death, was estimated at US $ 100 million of which he left half to his great friend Mary Austin, his companion on the last day, who also devotes one of his sweetest songs: Love of my life. The rest was shared between his partner, his family and his relatives. Queen Productions was restructured, but Queen's profits did not decline . Sales figures in music are multiple and confusing, and even more so since the dizzying change in this industry. But, for example, a few years ago, the body that records record sales in the United Kingdom said that Queen was the first group in history to reach 6 million for a single title (his "Great Successes"). "For Data Collector, Queen is the seventh or biggest selling singer (180 million singles) in a list run by the Beatles (333 million) and Michael Jackson (235 million).

But if this is usual in large groups, their marketing also seems endless: an online store where they even sell the costume Freddie 56 euros, the queen version of Monopoly, statues in different cities, tribute bands, airplanes that carry the image of Mercury.An asteroid orbiting Jupiter was named after the singer and in several cities was instituted the Freddie Mercury Day

From the time Queen became the largest music group in the world Music in the World – July 13, 1985 – this immigrant from Zanzibar who, in his adolescence, earned a living by frequenting and a record shop in a district of London, became a rich man. The same, his three companions.

Around Mercure and more than 10 rigorous biographies have already been written and coincide in the synthesis of mirage and overflowing: the sumptuous parties and the anniversaries of Freddie. In 1981, he bought tickets to the Concorde for all his friends and took them to the Wilshire of Beverly Hills, where the festivities lasted five days. As one defined, "Queen was glamorous, decadent, surreal and excess, at comparable doses".

Freddie gone vertiginously for this life, dies young. Two of his colleagues (Brian May, also a prominent scientist, and Roger Taylor) are the ones who keep this activity, while bbadist John Deacon walks away. Queen Productions is the emporium under which is perpetuated this legacy bringing together a dozen smaller companies, in different fields. Son of an Indian official of the British colonial administration in Zanzibar (today Tanzania), Mercury – Farrakh Bulsara was his real name – was born on September 5, 1945 in Stone Town. His family was originally Persian, a follower of Zoroaster, a cult that accompanied Mercury until his death. A TN documentary, presented by Bebe Contepomi some time ago, showed Freddie's childhood in Africa and his debut in "Swinging London" of the 1960s.

When they formed the group in the early years 70, they received only Attention and his first two albums, in the studios Trident, went unnoticed. They came to triumph with the third (Killer Queen) who popularized his innovative aesthetic on the main rock bands of the 90s. Stardom accompanied in 1975 Rhapsody Bohemia, a 6-minute song, twice as much as D & The video already existed, but Queen has brought it into another dimension. According to Sergio Marchi, "from this disc, the whole structure of rock has been changed and even its mode of marketing."

But what made Queen the most important group of her time, is the one mentioned on July 13: "Live Aid" at Wembley Stadium, 75,000 spectators, with Prince Charles and Lady Di in the first row. The appeal was aimed at raising funds to face hunger. There were big names in pop music: Jagger, McCartney, Madonna, U2, The Who and Led Zeppelin. The 20 minutes of Queen have eclipsed everyone. "It was the perfect setting for Freddie, his audience, the world," said organizer Bob Geldof.

It was broadcast live in 72 countries and was seen by about 1.5 billion viewers . Some have described this set as "best concert of history", although in the art, it is a relative judgment. Queen would return to Wembley exactly one year later for another electrifying show during Kind of Magic's introductory tour. This included 26 concerts, millions of spectators and an unforgettable pbadage through Budapest, in what was the first megabanda in the socialist region.

His life faded, but his creativity did not stop until his last days. He recorded with Montserrat Caballé the "Barcelona", symbol of the Olympic Games of 1992. In June 1991, he produced his last song, "These are the days of our lives". As the end approached, Freddie asked his manager, "You can do what you want when I'm gone, but please, do not make me look bored."

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