Quentin Tarantino reacted with Suspiria


Luca Guadagninoquentin Tarantinosuspiria Tilda Swinton

Director Luca Guadagnino confessed to the reaction of his friend and colleague Quentin Tarantino after the private screening of Suspiria. Are we facing a new clbadic of terror?

There are still a few months left for the premiere of Suspiria but the remake continues to make audiences talk. The most interesting thing is that the initial doubts seem to have been left out, because now the expectations are for the heavens and it seems that they will continue to grow from here to the first …

The film began its upward march with a very short time. ] projection in the most recent CinemaCon . Shortly after, Chloë Grace Moretz described it as "the closest thing to a modern Stanley Kubrick that I saw. [Es] as The Shining in many ways. "

Now his director Luca Guadagnino ( Call me by your name ) reveals the unexpected reaction of Quentin Tarantino [vía]:

" We are friends since our swearing-in at the Venice Festival . I was nervous but eager to hear his advice. We saw her at home and her reaction moved me. I was excited, in the end I cried and hugged myself in my arms. Because it's a horror film, but also a melodrama, my goal was to make people see the horror without people being able to [quitar los ojos de la pantalla] because they're captivated by characters. "

Suspiria tells the story of a young budding dancer who enters a recognized ballet academy.But the site hides a secret and what was once a dream turns into in a bloody nightmare

Movie Stars Dakota Johnson Chloe Grace Moretz, Mia Goth Tilda Swinton and Jessica Harper The presence of the latter is particularly important, being the protagonist of the original film.

Suspiria made his debut on [2novembre1908] November 2, 2018 .

Interested in this article? Cinema PREMIERE recommends you to see:

  • Suspiria (Dir Dario Argento, 1977)
  • Call me by your name (Dir Luca Guadagnino, 2017)
  • I am the love (Dir Luca Guadagnino, 2009)

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Luis Miguel Cruz

One day, I will join the X-Men, the Rebel Alliance or the night guard. Proud member of PREMIERE Film since 2008.

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