Rajon Rondo joins the Los Angeles Lakers from LeBron James


The agreement includes $ 9 million for one more year Julius Randle.

Los Angeles, USA –

Los Angeles Lakers are serious about their intention to return to close-ups in the NBA . After announcing LeBron James as his new contract, the team acquired Rajon Rondo a play that promises to be part of one of the most challenging puzzles. impressive league.

The agreement includes $ 9 million for an additional year Julius Randle, who was resigned and became a free agent without restrictions, in the negotiation.

The information disclosed by ESPN details that New Orleans Pelicans could not keep his number because he was looking for an offer sheet as an agent free restricted, but LA did not want to match the offer and engage in the long run and the money.

The Lakers were searching for free stellar agents in 2019, including Kawhi Leonard of San Antonio Spurs. With the departure of Randle, they created more flexibility in the salary cap; Immediately, the 23-year-old signed for two years with the Pelicans.

The Lakers took Randle, 23, with the seventh overall selection in the 2014 Draft . The striker averaged 16.1 points, his personal best, with 8.0 rebounds last season.

The Los Angeles quintet also highlighted the position of the free agent of the Pelicans, DeMarcus Cousins.


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