Ramón Llao recognizes the episode of violence of the ex-partner in 2000


The actress Claudia Moreno denounces the actor Ramón Llao for having beaten and having been "about to kill her" " during an episode of violence occurred At the beginning of the year 2000, while they were both in a relationship

Moreno told what had happened in a interview to El Desconcierto, where he explained that he had met Llao in 1998 when they met to rehearse rooms in the house. Actress Berta Lasala

About the episode of violence, Moreno said that it happened two years later, at a time when they already had a romantic relationship that was going very well and after they visited Lasala in his house. the former presidential candidate, Marco Enríquez-Ominami.

Later, when they went to his apartment, they began to discuss the relevance of Enríquez-Ominami. However, the violence began when Moreno received the call of a former partner, to whom he replied: " He was so indignant, so much, that I still do not understand why he was so He told me who was calling, I replied to Pablo and he insisted on who I was.I told him that he was a very old ex-boyfriend. colleague and he complained to me why he was calling me.The violence was crescendo.But why did you call him at that moment he insisted "[19459010Hesaid

There the actress badures that she received insults, punches and kicks for about three hours. At one point, he managed to take refuge in the bathroom, where, according to the testimony, Llao tried to enter and started beating all around him shouting "get out of there maraca". Finally, the violence came to an end when Manuel Peña arrived, a friend of the actor and who took Llao from the place and helped Moreno.

The actress was taken away by her brothers and her mother to the Clínica Alemana. He said that although they had met to talk about what happened afterwards, it hurt to see Llao succeed on television while she was facing the consequences of it. Aggression

"I never said that, I seal a cycle I see that these cases come out, I cry and I remember how he beat me. I do it because I do not want another woman to have the same thing, because Ramón Llao was about to kill me .

Actor recognized aggression

Through his Instagram account, Ramón Llao himself badured that he received a call from a journalist on the publication of the article.

"Without having read the article in question I must to say that an episode of this type has actually happened, with that ex-partner that she named me, as it was an episode, I clearly remember that which happened, a situation that should have been in our hands and we, in our good sense, should never arrive " said.

Llao badured that it was a situation where "violence was mutual".

"I do not want to apologize in advance, but at least I can point out that it was a day-time situation," he said. elsewhere, a bad day. "

Llao He added that "the inexperience and the excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs led us to a problem that was only to be one solution: stop attacking us, and stop to attack us, we should stop seeing each other "

" I would never have wanted for me or for her, however, I guess it happened. "

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