Real Madrid Transfer: Modric would be in negotiations with Inter Milan according to Italian media | Italy


They want to break the market. The arrival of Cristiano Ronaldo at Serie A has made other major clubs in Italy want to strengthen themselves in a huge way. Such is the case of Inter Milan which would have put as new objective the arrival of midfielder Real Madrid Luka Modric .

As reported by his Twitter account, the Italian journalist of "Sky Sport", Gianluca Di Marzio, Modric would be open to negotiations and would not be badly turned to a possible change of scenery. In addition, he announced that the players of the Croatian player would already work on what could be a new "bombing".

The Road of Inter . The & nbsp; neroazzurro & # 39; are aware of the degree of difficulty that the signature of the current player of Real Madrid would entail and for that they would have already put in touch with the agents of the chosen 33-year-old MVP & # 39; of the last World Cup.

The news published by Di Marzio gave much to talk about in Italy, since a few days ago the incorporation of Arturo Vidal was closed to Inter de Milán . However, the latent possibility of the arrival of Modric would frustrate this option. Nothing is said and everything could happen in the next few days.

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