Renata Bravo defends Ramón Llao after the violence allegation of the ex-partner | TV and show


Last week an ex-partner of Ramón Llao denounced the actor for violently badaulting him while they were together 20 years ago.

According to the actress Claudia Moreno the performer became enraged with jealousy and beat her and kicked her for nearly three hours. After his statements, Llao acknowledged the facts on Instagram.

This week, the actress Renata Bravo came out in defense of her colleague in the program We follow Largo from Cbad. When asked about the issue, Hola Chile's panelist said that she was very close to Llao and that she believed in a second chance.

"I am a team of Ramón I believe in the second chance of the people It happened 20 years ago, Ramón left the drug, so what is it? what's left? And sorry, because I'm going to be super hard: kill you? " he was sentenced.

"If we do not give people the opportunity to claim, improve and rehabilitate, then there is no second chance," he concluded. .

Recall that after discovering the scandal, Llao abandoned his work on Radio Zero, where he was driving Gravedad Zero.

"We do not want to refer to the privacy of those who participated in these events, those who triggered their decision, we want to point out that we repudiate gender violence at any event and in any event. where it comes from On the other hand, we want to thank Ramón for his pbadage through our station, "said Ignacio Franzani, Llao's partner.

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