Repeated episodes of sexual harassment from Nicolás López to Lucy CominettI


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The director Nicolás López, director of films like "Red Average" and "Unfiltered", and face serious accusations, after three well-known actresses have denounced him for badual harbadment in the magazine "Sábado" of El Mercurio.

Lucy Cominetti, one of the protagonists of "Que pena tu vida", was one of the performers who recounted the repeated episodes of abuse suffered while working together.

The actress said that she met him in October 2008, when was contacted for the cast of a series that would be called "Coffee with Legacy "," In the beginning, Nicolás was very cool, fun, I remember that he had invited me to eat at Ky before saving, because we were going to work together, he wanted to know more about Me, these situations make me uncomfortable, they make me nervous I liked him, but I felt that I had no way to deny myself without looking too coiled. years ago I had done just a few series ", the actress told the magazine El Mercurio.

"I started to notice that he was lovingly interested in me, I did not want to be my friend, and that was not going to happen on my behalf, I did not want anything with him he took it very badly, he said that he was not going to take eggs with Asperger, like me " he added.


Although Lopez already hinted at his amorous intentions, Cominetti acknowledged that he decided to remain bound to his production company. Thus, in 2009, they traveled together to the Valdivia Festival in 2009, to gather resources to record "Que pena tu vida", the first tape of the trilogy.

"In this festival, he came back with his advances, with his insistence, we were at a party and he was trying to kiss me, not only that: he stuck me, I told him no, and so on, he said, "Now we were like that, but you and I are going to shoot. I answered no, but he insisted, "Now you do not catch me, nothing. But you and I are going to throw "" says the actress.

"Then she wanted to leave me in a car at the hostel, because he stayed in another hotel and I was thrown on the roof of the car, again telling me why I was not kissing him, if it was just a kiss.The next step was to send him on the ridge and he could not, because he was hitting me He was my boss, I felt that if I did something more aggressive on my part, it would hurt me ", "

"When we got to the inn, I got out of the car, there was Andrea Velasco in the hostel, awake. I got very upset, shouting that I would not act in any movie if I had to constantly stand that this badhole was on me.

This scene was corroborated by his colleague, actress Andrea Velasco, same story of "Saturday". "Lopez tried to kiss Lucy by throwing herself on her and she resisted. Then I saw him doing the same thing on a wall of the disco. I did not know how to react. Unfortunately, I did not intervene ", counted.

Over the months, the accuser of the director did not stop, In fact, Nicolás Martínez bad actor and López 's friend of the 6 years, confirmed that he was obsessed with Cominetti.

"He was clearly obsessed with it, which was clearly not at the time. comfortable with him. She never showed interest in him and Nicolás was talking abominably about her with everyone, she was stupid, weird. Once, he even called it an "emotional vampire". ", said Martínez.

Another uncomfortable episode occurred in 2010, when the movie" What you have drained "had already been presented and the sponsor asked Cominetti as Velasco was made two videos in bras

"We were recording there and Nicolás said to me:" I have the impression to shoot with you ". He was directing me, he was recording. I was in shock. I see that and we are already launching. You and I have already cast, "he said," he badured. "

" I was frozen, misplaced. I did not know how to answer. I think I laughed nervously. I felt uncomfortable, because I had to keep doing this video and I knew what was happening to him, I knew that he was excited. I felt dirty doing the video. I felt disgusting ", added.


Once the film" Senor Tu Vida "became a success, Lopez's interest in continuing with the script new work

Although Lucy Cominetti had played one of the main characters, was not considered in the cast of "What a shame your life."

Shortly before the start of the filming, the actress decided send him an e-mail and find out when he considered his participation. "I wrote that I knew things were not going , that we had bad relations and that we wanted to fix it, if there was a way to solve the situation " he says:" He replied: "Come to my place, let's take a shot from the eye and see what happens, because if I did not think of something that I felt to have nothing to do and nothing else to tell. "I replied that & # 3 9, he was not going home, that he was not going to shoot with him and we had nothing else to tell ".

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