Requena on the denunciation of San Lorenzo: "In the club they knew of my inclusion in the list" | Sports


Jonathan Requena Deportes Temuco and San Lorenzo are in the crosshairs of all. After the historic victory in Argentina 2-1, the Chilean team could lose the match due to problems with the player and his record with his former team, Defensa y Justicia.

In an interview with the newspaper Olé Requena confirmed that he was included in another club. " In Temuco, they knew that my name was on the list we learned about it some time ago, but we believe it gently, we think that there will be a solution" said the director. one year in defense, but the longest that I've spent in reserve, I was not part of the first team " In addition, he said:" I would not like not at all having our points removed on the ground, we did everything necessary to win, it would not be fair. "

" Up to now we enjoy triumph against San Lorenzo, we are calm, we must have patience and wait how they solve that ", he concluded.

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