Ricardo Gareca: "At the moment I am a free technician" | Sports


The coach Ricardo Gareca offered a press conference to clarify his contractual situation with the Peruvian team.

The coach said that " at the moment I am a free coach my contract expired in November 2017. It was automatically extended to an achievement that was the qualification for the World. "

" I do not resign I have absolutely nothing to do. "

El Tigre pointed out that" I have always taken the time to & # 39; Accept a renewal if there is an interest, or "

" What I asked the president of the Peruvian federation, it is to take the time needed to think the best for our future as technical command, "completed

After Garcia was syndicated as one of the possible replacements of Jorge Sampaoli to direct a new era of albiceleste combined

WAIT FOR THE CALL OF THE ARGENTINE SELECTION #FOXenRusia | Gareca: "I am a free coach, and I asked the President of the Federation of Peru to decide what I want" pic.twitter.com/rEQNLvDOJD

– FOX Sports Argentina (@FOXSportsArg ) July 3, 2018

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