Riflemen Strangely Interpret Thriller on Halloween


The police take the subject and occupy it for a campaign

Halloween is perhaps one of the festivals where pop culture emerges most in costumes (this Star Wars was applauded) . In this context, the carabinieri have just released a strange video in which they perform Michael Jackson's Thriller. harvest season in Ireland). Although the term "Halloween" began to be used in the 16th century and seems to be of Scottish origin, during the festival there is an obvious cult of the dead.

What is this relationship with Carabineros? Well, besides the fact that the party has spread around the world, there are also accidents and excesses during the day. In this context, the campaign to prevent unfortunate images has been launched.

Without going any further, the entity's video mentions the Michael Jackson song, played by his national orchestra. This is a tribute to the 36-year-old thriller album, which also delivers a message to citizens:

This Halloween, if you drive, do not drink. Do not be distracted by your mobile phone and always wear your bicycle helmet.

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