Robbie Williams: You Can Have Asperger Or Autism


At age 44, the British singer Robbie Williams made a confession about his life that attracted attention.

More specifically, the former Take That said he believed suffering from Asperger's syndrome a disorder characterized by difficulties in the development of social skills

In a interview in Radio 2 public network BBC The interpreter of "Angels" noted that "there is something" that is missing and that "c & c Is really hard work "to be in his head. [19659008] had problems with alcohol and drugs in his life and also suffered from depression and anxiety. Now, during this time, he confided that "I can have Asperger's or autism, I do not know in what spectrum I am, but I know of it", adding that he "has a compulsion, an addiction , a mental illness. "

had episodes of excess and disrespect in his musical trajectory. The last one in which he played was the opening of Russian World 2018 where he sang. In the middle of his presentation, he lifted his middle finger to the camera.

Robbie Williams will also return to Chile this year. It will be presented Monday, November 5 at Movistar Arena with the show "The heavy entertainment show" .

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