Roger Waters chooses a Mapuche group for his shows in Argentina | Arts and culture


From his rehearsal room, Roger Waters prepares a surprise for his fans of Argentina : he will share the stage with a group Mapuche during concerts and He will propose in Buenos Aires.

The news is confirmed by the trans-national journalist Gaby Cociffi editorial director of InfoBae, who maintained e-mails with Waters and worked directly on the realization of the idea.

" Mail (from Waters) arrived at 16:54 on 16 September and concluded:" The record companies have different bands as a support group, but I had another idea. I have followed the problems of Mapuche in Argentina and Chile and would like to have Mapuche musicians in my shows to support their struggle.What do you think? " explains the journalist d & # 39; Infobae.

After an electronic dialogue, after listening to and experiencing a series of groups of Mapuches (in some emails, the musician comments on the meaning of their names Mapudungún), the British found with the elected officials for the collaboration: the group Puel Kona from the trans-Andean province of Nequen .

"Our show in La Plata will take place in exactly seven weeks We have very little time, but I am happy and moved by what we are going to do" Waters at Cociffi, who had a dialogue with the former Pink Floyd a few years ago, when he had asked for help to support the cause. the identification of fallen soldiers in the Falklands war.

In Argentina, the nervousness of the group is palpable. "We are getting ready with everything, we have a music director, we work hard, with a lot of anxiety, because there is not much left, we are going to do a little bit of each disc and we are going to leave our message as usual " commented on the trans-Andean group on the Rio Negro portal, in which he states that he will have 30 minutes as a support group for each broadcast.

from Medios responsible producer of the concert in Santiago, unaware that Waters had the intention to include Puel Kona as a support group in the presentation scheduled for the November 14 at the National Stadium.

] The details of this incredible story were told by journalist Gaby Cociffi in this column.

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