Ruggeri went crazy against Guardiola – 07/04/2018



Elimination of the World Cup Selection, the dance of names to succeed Sampaoli does not stop and many speculate with several top DT. Although it is not yet confirmed the departure of Casilda native, rumors have it that AFA are excited to try Pep Guardiola to be Argentina's next coach.

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Before this name proposal, Oscar Ruggeri did not like the Catalan proposal: "By the names I heard, I leave " Cabezón rising from a chair. "No, I'm leaving, I do not want, I do not want to!" No, Guardiola heads Spain Why does not he lead Spain? We have technicians, What is Cholo? Is it worse than Guardiola? Gallardo is bad? He asked his colleague effusively.

See also: An order for Sampaoli to make his indemination

In addition, the former defender gave his three main postulants to the position: Simeone, Gallardo and Gareca, personal friend. " If Cholo does not go away, if Gallardo does not go away, I'll go to Gareca, take him out of the house and throw him in." Ezeiza's interior I stay at the door and I do not let him out, and I'm the guardian and I do not go out of there, "Cabezón jokes. Who will be the one who holds the command of the national team? Will Sampaoli disengage?

Ruggeri went crazy when he was named Guardiola for the national team

Source: Fox Sports

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