Sailor Kast: Jose Antonio Kast's T-shirts dressed as Sailor Moon are for sale


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Youtuber and comedian Francesc Morales have launched a new campaign to promote the rights of the LGBT community in Chile, this time centered on the former Conservative candidate to the presidency, José Antonio Kast.

"Tired of homophobia, machismo, xenophobia of José Antonio Kast?", Begins the video published on social networks, to then present the new line of Kast T-shirts dressed by Sailor Moon

The Conservatives will never change, but you should feel stronger than ever, "says the viral, who continues to encourage:" If you laugh at your rights, laugh at them. "

According to El Dinamo, the idea came that Morales appeared on the last March for equality with a gigantograph of the politician dressed in the popular Japanese heroine.

" I will be Kast-igaré in the name of the moon "is the slogan of the viral campaign.

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