Santiago Bal changed the mood of his magazine | DailyShow


In this last period, the " female wave " caused a change of social paradigm in Argentina. So much so that this Saturday night in " Podemos Hablar ", Santiago Bal hinted that, in his new play, he was looking for another type of humor that does not fail of respect to women

Once upon a time, in the theaters of the magazine, a gross humor was staged with the bodies of women. But the guest at the table of Andy Kusnetzoff understood that this does not go any further and his son, Federico Bal is the one who made him understand: " Fede always calls me attention, I think that he takes care of me somehow.The new book had written it three years ago.When I l '# 39; I read to Carmen (Barbieri) she liked it, but Fede told me, "No, no, not that ".

In this summer season, the comedian must change the scenario of " Newly Together ", the play that will play with his son and ex-wife, Carmen Barbieri. And he says: " It's the fourth book I'm rewriting, Fede has made me mad, but I appreciate it." There are things that can be funny for some tall people, but not for young people who have other sensitivities. But I do not have a hard time adapting it, we get handled a lot with e-mails, and Fede says to me: "I'm so happy because you understood what I said to you" "

Finally, Santiago warns:" It is no longer necessary to say the things that have been said and which today are aggressive, Fede teaches me because I followed the technique of the previous newspaper. my son "

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