"So … are we going to Barcelona or not ?: Messi's message that changed Paulinho's life |


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Tim Groothuis / Agencia Uno

The history of the Brazilian national team player, Paulinho deserves to be told. And it is that although, this one could be similar to that of the common denominator of the footballers, there was one fact in particular that leaves all the schemas.

Since the talented midfielder has just published a letter where he reveals, among other things, how much Lionel Messi gave him a message that radically changed the course of his life

It all began with a cold afternoon in June 2017, when Brazil and Argentina had to measure forces in a friendly duel, to begin the time of Jorge Sampaoli commanding albiceleste

"Messi came to me.It was last June, and we were playing against him. Argentina in a friendly match in Australia We had just won a free kick and I was standing on the ball with Willian and another player, I was not going to take it, I'm just the lure ", is party indicating the Brazilian according to Infobae.

Adding That "Suddenly, Messi walks towards me, looks me in the eyes and says:" So … are we going to Barcelona? or not? "

As expected, this request left him stunned and in shock since in all his years of practice, he has never imagined that anyone is considered to be One of the best players in the world would notice him and invite him to join the Hispanic club.

"That was all. Without explanation, nothing. He returned and left. I did not even have time to think. I just told him, "If you want to take me, I'll leave!" he added.

Complementing this "It's very difficult for me to lose my focus on a football game, but since Messi He said those words until the moment Willian kicked the ball, all that that I could think was, are you serious? Why did he say that? Oh my God, what's going on? . "

At that time Paulinho defended the Guangzhou Evergrande jersey in the Chinese Super League. Despite this, the idea of ​​signing for the European giant did not let him sleep for several months.

Moreover, it is the latter that gave way to a question that no one could clarify, since he never knew "I knew in advance that the Culé casting had in their hiring records, or if I was just making a joke.

However, and for your peace of mind, everything became clearer two months later, when 4 o'clock his agent he called to confirm the good news: FC Barcelona wanted him in his ranks.

"In August, the transfer window was about to close, and it seemed like it was not going to be the same. was finished. We were playing for the Chinese championship this weekend, and we had friends from Brazil who were staying in our apartment and everything " he added.

" That night, my agent mated called and told me: "The case is done.You must come to Barcelona to sign the papers."

Thereafter, the known history. José Paulo Bezerra Maciel Júnior has become a fundamental pillar of the Catalan team, a club with which he has won trophies such as the Copa del Rey, Santander League and the Champions League.

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