Sony Pictures downloads a complete movie error on its YouTube channel


Instead of the trailer, the movie. You had a job.

YouTube channels of major Hollywood studios have to download promotional material for their productions, is not it? In the case of Sony Pictures, they think that it is better to download the complete movies.

This is not really a new idea, it is a mistake of Sony Pictures. Because someone had to download only the movie trailer Khali the Killer but instead, that someone was cheated and downloaded the entire movie to dawn on July 3rd.

The situation was noticed on Reddit and according to The Independent, reached for six hours until Sony noticed and corrected the situation. In total, during this period, the visualizations totaled more than 11,000, although these viewers had to be satisfied with a maximum resolution of 480p

  Khali the Killer

There are those who believe that this could have been a publicity move for a movie available for quite some time (November of last year) and for which the small criticism did not deal very well.

buy the film after that, Sony could say that, overall, the problem has not been so problematic. Because it's a very low-budget job and almost nothing marketing, unlike others bigger than the product study.

Imagine if someone does something similar with the following of Spider-Man. We will have to pay attention to the Sony channel on YouTube.

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