South America U-15: Chile is finalist and goes to the World Cup


The Chilean national team also defeated Brazil in the semifinal last night by 60-55 and will play today the finals of South American women's basketball under 15 in Aysén.

The team led by Warren Espinoza he still had on the field the Magellanic Bárbara Torres (number 4 on the photo) and Valentina Ojeda (standing, the first player on the left), which became important pieces for the team. scaffolding of the national representative.

The victory The Chilean team was deserved and the "Rojita" won all the places. In fact, this is reflected in the score at the end of each quarter: 13-10, 28-23, 45-35 and 60-55.

The final will be played today at 20:00 and will be opposed to Ecuador, a team of significant stature, tactically ordered and who, with Chile, have been the best of the world. 39, South America.

It should be noted that Ecuadorians eliminated in the other "half" of Argentina by 62-51.


After the victory of yesterday, Chile badured its presence in the Pre-World category (the first three will go), thus achieving its first goal in the event south American. The other goal is to achieve the bicampeonato, because almost the same team won the U-14 sub-continent title after defeating Brazil in the final last year.

"We are very happy to have achieved this triumph and go to the World Cup." Valentina Ojeda said last night on the CDO television channel, noting that "Ecuador is a great team, but we think only to win. "

Chile's group stage began with a defeat against Argentina (50-60), then went on to beat the other side. Uruguay (73-56) and Colombia (60-57) to enter the semifinals


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