Spanish Union against Temuco Sports – Match Report – 19 October 2018


Spanish Union becomes strong in the Santa Laura stadium and wins the match by 2 to 1 Temuco Sports with the goals of a Jose Luis Sierra off the bench, with which the colony's box returned to Copa Sudamericana – in the absence of Huachipato and Colo Colo play their matches – and leaves complicated 'Indio Pije' with the descent to Primera B.

Hispanics could open the scoring at 11 minutes with a Jorge Ampuero header that was canceled by a millimetric advance position. Four minutes later, Tobías Figueroa remained alone, but he failed in an incredible way against José Luis Gamonal.

The locals were constantly trying to score and take advantage of the defensive permits left by the visitors. Thus, Ramiro González won a head alone in the area in a corner, but the ball was tight. On the other hand, the Tepuquenses created a danger with two chances of Alfredo Ábalos, the most mobile of the attack of the visit, but Diego Sánchez was remarkable in preventing the goal.

The complement was entirely intended for those of Martín Palermo, who were much superior in attack. At first, Figueroa could score with a fly volley, and then Gary Tello and Israel Poblete had two straight hands that did not come within inches of the goal.

The momentary joy of the reds reached 67 minutes: Jose Luis Sierra, who had entered a few moments before, had entered the surface with the ball dominated, the rival behind could not dismiss the son of "Coto" Sierra and was throwing and put the first of the match.

However, and when more This made the match more complicated for the players led by Miguel Ponce: they reached parity thanks to their captain, Cristián Canío, who grabbed a shot from Nicolás Bertochi at 79 & which corresponded to their Santa Laura figures.

Titan "Palermo" did not give up and kept the three points with a new Sierra score, which took advantage of a blunder by José Luis Gamonal and was fired to give the final victory at Union, excited to qualify for ales international tournaments.

With this result, the team of the colony was ranked sixth with 38 points, at the Copa Sudamericana, and removed Huachipato from the qualifying zone, which will play tomorrow with Union La Calera at 17:30. Meanwhile, those of "Chueco" Ponce are more complicated with the descent and are penultimate with 22 units.

The next date, the Spanish Union will visit Friday at 8 pm in a University of Concepción that could arrive as the tournament leader to defeat the Catholic University tomorrow, while Sports Temuco will close the day next Sunday at 8 pm to receive the Curicó Unido, also threatened with descent, in a duel essential to Indio Pije. [19659010] [ad_2]
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