Stan Lee: These are the anime you created and you may not know | Cine-series


Even if you can not believe it. It may seem a bit hard for many fans of the comics world to believe, but the great Stan Lee would not only have been involved in making these comic books and series, but he was also a time when he devoted himself In this note, we explain all the details.

After the death of Stan Lee, the mythical creator of Marvel, hundreds of strange facts have come to light, which speak of the heroes he's created, the cameos he's made. and projects that never materialized. Everything has always been linked to the world of comics, but to the surprise of many, the legend of Marvel also participated in the writing of two Japanese animated series.

The first anime in which Stan Lee participated was . ] & # 39; Heroman & # 39 ;. Created in conjunction with the bones of the study, it tells the story of Joey, an orphan who lives with his grandmother and works in a cafeteria, which, having been unable to procure a luxury robot, resigns and ends up finding an old and strange It had been abandoned in a dumpster. What would not be expected is that after receiving a beam, it turns into a wick that would make of themselves the only hope that humanity can survive an alien invasion.

The anime was released in Japan the following year. In 2010, 26 episodes were recorded.


The second anime for which Stan Lee put his mind, was directed by Hiroshi Nagahama, also known for having directed "Mushishi" This project entitled "Reflection & tells the story of a world where, after an event, they decided to call "Reflection", thousands of people around the world began to obtain powers , some becoming heroes and many others villains, creating a climate of chaos and disorder that leads the viewer to ask questions about what really happens in this series.


Without a doubt two rather curious anime who, without a doubt, you should try to see him after knowing that Stan Lee had participated.

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