Star Wars: The actor who played Jar Jar Binks considered taking his own life because of criticism


Best Ahmed made catharsis on social media, almost two decades after the premiere of Star Wars: Episode I – The Ghost Threat

Where there is a recurring criticism anchored in the universe

Star Wars
This is the generalized repudiation
the character Jar Jar Binks, to which the fans of the saga of
George Lucas failed to consider him dissonant with the rest of the memorable roles of the franchise, and who became the prototype of the "character we love to hate".

However, who did not have a good time after the premiere of
Star Wars: Episode I – The threat of ghosts and successive feature films (
The attack of clones and
Revenge of the Sith) was the actor behind the
comic relief, the New Yorker Ahmed Best. On the occasion of the imminent arrival of the birthday of the prequel released in 1999, the actor, musician and director wrote on his Twitter account an article in which he revealed that he he had considered suicide because of the criticism received.

20 years the next year I have faced a half reaction that still affects my career today. It is the place where I almost finished my life. It's always hard to talk. I have survived and now this little guy is my gift for survival. Would it be a good story for my solo show? Lemma know. & – Ahmed BEst (@ahmedbest)
July 3, 2018

"Next year marks the 20th anniversary of the receipt of reviews that affect my career so far, it is the place where I would finish my life, now this little one is my gift for that
[N. del E.: su hijo, quien posó en la imagen con él] ", wrote Best, whose last film work dates from 2013 with Richard Halpern's film,
W.M.D. Although he did not name the franchise, in his words, it was implied that he was referring to
Star Wars and Jar Jar Binks, his first great opportunity as an actor

  Jar Jar became one of the characters that people
Jar Jar became the # 39, one of the characters that people "most like to hate" of the intergalactic saga Source: Archive

In an interview with Wired magazine last year, Best also remembers with sadness this period difficult of his life. "On the Internet, I was threatened with death, and people also came to tell me that their childhood had been destroyed, which was not easy for a 25-year-old boy to listen to."

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