Sweden vs. Switzerland LIVE LIVE DIRECTV LATINA SPORTS Online: Russia 2018 World Cup World


Sweden and Switzerland will define their continuity in the World this Tuesday (ONLINE LIVE 09:00 – Via DirecTV / Latina) when they measure the forces for the knockout stages of the stadium of St. Petersburg .

After remaining undefeated in Group E and qualified as escorts for Brazil the Swiss have a great mission in search of the quarter-finals of Russia 2018 : victory the first duel of direct elimination of his story.

However, the Scandinavian team is motivated after progressing as a Group F leader with Mexico and intends to continue in the race.

"We have a lot of respect for our opponents, we have nothing to do but focus on the game, we are very prepared, confident and hope to achieve our best form", said Swedish coach Janne Andersson . before the confrontation of his team before the Swiss representation commissioned by Vladimir Petković .

"We are a good team, we are strong, we have good results and others have taken a step forward since we lost one of the best players in the world, we did a big tournament and we reached the round of 16, "added Andreas Granqvist back and captain of Sweden who must compensate for this absence by Sebastian Larsson for sanction.

Sweden vs Switzerland

Possible alignments:

Sweden: Olsen, Lustig, Lindelöf, Granqvist, Augustinsson, Claesson, Svensson, Ekdal, Forsberg, Berg and Toivonen DT: Janne Andersson

Switzerland: Sommer, Lang, Djourou, Akanji, Rodriguez, Behrami, Xhaka, Shaqiri, Djemaili, Zuber, and Drmic, DT Vladimir Petkovic.

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