Tarifazo Libertadores: the popular products of the Boca River are already sold, with a 150% increase


The day that thousands of Boca members were waiting: at 10 o'clock, the first group of participants in the grand finale of the Libertadores Cup against River was put on sale. This match will be played this Saturday in La Bombonera from 17. This first sale lasted about half an hour until Xeneize announced that the tickets were sold.

At age 19, there will be a second ticket sale.

The main novelty is the increase in ticket price. with regard to the semi-finals duel with Palmeiras: authorization of the card for the partner will cost $ 800 .

It's a "Tarifa Libertadores" because in a popular semifinal costs $ 320. The increase is then 150%, which is undoubtedly an important figure for pocket members who pay $ 700 a month.

Members wishing to purchase tickets must access the club's official website and have the option to pay by credit card or cash. In the latter case, they must print a voucher and pay it personally to Pago Fácil.

Boca denounces the resale on the Internet

Boca denounces on Tuesday the prosecutor's office resale of banknotes . on websites whose purpose is to determine where they come from, how the marketing circuit presents itself and who benefits from the difference between the official price and the values ​​of the illegal market.

From the club where they resorted to Justice to dismantle the ticket resale network. In the last few hours it has been detected that different sites dedicated to the resale of tickets for public shows, not just football, had to ask up to 180,000 pesos to an audience.

"The faces of the club is put at the disposal of justice to investigate and arrive until the last consequences ", adds.

In addition, Mouth pointed out that the purchase of entries active directly in the record of each member and that it is personal and that it is not transferable to third parties . "

The presentation was accompanied by notice on various websites, Instagram accounts and even WhatsApp messages on which they are offered tickets at prices much higher than the official prices.

The official notice of Boca

Sale of additional generals

The sale of additional tickets for the first finals of the Copa Libertadores dis putará this Saturday 10 at the Bombonera, continues Thursday with the general. The same can be done without any restrictions or preconditions. Members can activate their card via the page soysocio.bocajuniors.com.ar. In order to provide members with more facilities to adapt the procedure to the availability of time, the procedure will be carried out in two stages: the first half of the additional sessions will be put up for sale at 10 am and the other half at 7 pm.

The web will give the opportunity to buy by credit card or cash and must print a coupon. There, they will be able to visit the activated premises of Easy Payment with the printed voucher and the membership card in hand to make the payment and complete the operation. There, the member will be automatically activated for the stadium entrance.

On the other hand, members who choose to pay by credit card can make direct purchase on the site soysocio.bocajuniors.com. and the map will be automatically activated.

The main novelty in ticket sales

Management was going to put a filter: only those who had attended four of the six were going to have access to the court. matches that Boca played at home during this Copa Libertadores.

However, the leaders reversed and lifted this measure on Wednesday night.

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