Tea time: I'm not a punisher, I'm innocent


After the suspension of the legal proceedings against Camilo Castaldi the former Los Tetas made his first appearance on television, in the program "Follow me the good" chain of VTR .

With respect to the case, the justice of the peace issued a prohibition order to communicate for two years and activities in schools, such as poetry clbades or concerts, as a of punishment for Tea Time.

Something that the musician has "very happy", since "I wanted to leave that behind me and start a new life" .

Regarding the connection he had with Valentina Henríquez, he explained that " was a toxic relationship, of two people who were sick I can talk about my illness, I do not I am not going to talk about what she has to badume, but toxic relationships are built in pairs, they are built in pairs. "

" What happened is that we were two sick people and everyone knows what toxic rations look like: a person is a cellopathy and there are many episodes of control, "he explained.

] Similarly, the rapper confessed to suffering from an addiction, which "is a disease that consists of avoiding problems, sadness". unwilling to cope with the emotional conflict he experienced, not wanting to see the scratches of the past wounds of the spirit, the soul that make a n or know how to react to situations. "

Later, Castaldi pointed out that he " certainly "did not hit Henríquez but that there were violent situations in which objects were thrown out and they even took her to the hospital to administer painkillers to the young woman, her mother being present because her behavior was unsustainable.

"What it's often happened, that is, even in the presence of his mother, when he went into crisis, in desperation, there was a staircase that was impracticable . Where I started to have chaos of a gigantic magnitude in my house, "he explained.

What was added" she has constantly threatened me with suicide and there is evidence of it. They saw her standing at the window. I had to get out of the window, hard, of course.

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