Ter Stegen recalled the competition with Bravo in Barcelona: "I thought about changing clubs" | The sports


Barcelona goalkeeper, Marc Ter Stegen recalls his debut in the Barcelona match and, as expected, placed them in the tough competition he was facing with Claudio Bravo . ] at that time, which prevented him from being an undisputed holder of the Catalans.

"It was a situation that we must not forget." As a person who wants to play everything, like me, the situation was very complicated and the competition with Claudio was not easy "he began by referring to the group. in an interview with your club's website.

In this sentence, he added: " I will not deny that it has happened to me to think about changing clubs , to look for solutions because you see that the team says: "Do not worry, Marc, you have all our confidence, you have been here for many years, we trust your performance." But you see then that the reality was not that one. "

Finally, Ter Stegen revealed more details about what was happening with Bravo and his technique at that time, Luis Enrique." With Luis, he did talk about it a lot. " But of course, he saw that Claudio was also doing a very good job . The situation required a solution. In the end, the club sold Bravo and he clearly positioned himself in my favor, "he concluded.

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