Terrible: A Nigerian player suffered the kidnapping of his father before the match against Argentina


John Obi Mikel suffered from a real nightmare in the Russian World Cup, and while he and Nigeria were looking to qualify for the knockout stages, his father was fighting for his life after having been kidnapped

. he was traveling by bus with his companions at the stadium, he received a call four hours before the match. The person who spoke to him told him that his father had been kidnapped and warned him that if he told him publicly, he would kill him.

" I received a call before the start of the game.They said that they would instantly kill my father when he informed the authorities or informed someone "said the football player in an interview with The Guardian.

To that, he added: "] only a very small circle of my friends knew it.I did not want to discuss it with the coach either, because I did not want that my problem becomes a distraction for him or for the rest of the team before a match as important.As much as I wanted to discuss it with the coach, I could not. "

Obi Mikel was silent and decided to play in the match of his team, which ended in a 2-1 defeat against the Trans-Andean

"I played while my father was in the hands of bandits. " I had to suppress the trauma. I was emotionally distressed and had to decide if I was mentally ready to play. I was confused. I did not know what to do, but in the end I knew that I could not leave 180 million Nigerians stranded. I had to remove it from my head and go represent my country first " he detailed.

The player's father was released last Monday after paying 24,000 euros ordered by the kidnapper

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