The 10 commitments signed by the government to increase women's participation in the mining sector | Economy


Ministries of Mines and Gender Equality advocated 10 unprecedented measures to increase women's participation in the labor market in the mining sector, as currently represents only 8, 4% of the badignment of the article .

] The signing of the " Mining Decalogue " was made today in the presence of the Minister and Under Secretary of Mines, Baldo Prokurica and Pablo Terrazas; the Minister of Women and Gender Equity, Carolina Cuevas; mining companies, suppliers, guilds and social organizations.

More than 20 organizations and companies have signed the Decalogue: Codelco, Anglo, AMSA, BHP, Freeport, Enami, Teck, Collahuasi, SQM, Finning, CAP, Glencore, Barrick, Kinross Albemarle; with public entities such as Cochilco and Sernageomin; in addition to the main industry badociations: Sonami, Mining Council and Aprimin; and organizations such as Woman in Minning.

Regarding the figure reached by the country with regard to women's participation, Procurika noted that " was below the mining countries like Canada and Australia which is just under 20%, and we want to increase that number so that more workers have the opportunity to grow in this activity, generating more and better jobs. "

The Minister added that one of the challenges is that the industry becomes more inclusive ".

Carolina Cuevas said that, with this agreement, "the companies ratify their commitment to integrate more women in the mines into management positions and to promote good work practices" . Terrazas also pointed out that the agreement was a way to replicate it in other areas.

At the national level, the mining industry is the second largest economic activity with the lowest participation of women, reaching 8.4%. Construction exceeds 6.3%.

Mining companies, suppliers, unions and social organizations signed 10 commitments to the integration of women in the mining industry. Find out what they are in the following video ?

– Pablo Terrazas (@PabloterrazasL) November 29, 2018


Companies and signatory organizations pledged to continue working on a monthly chart organized by the Ministry of Mines and the Ministry of Women and Gender Equality, in order to progress jointly on each of these points:

] 1 Promote greater participation of women in the mining industry by further developing equality of opportunity and non-discrimination in the management processes of women and men. persons selection, training, career development and equitable remuneration

2. Ensuring Good Work Practices and Work-Family and Personal Balance by proposing labor policies and work systems better adapted to the nature of mining work and location differences, without this Significant job insecurity

3. Progress in Diffusion of Chilean Standard 3262 : Gender Equality Management System and Conciliation of Professional, Family and Personal Life, as a Standard for Dealing with the Law equality between men and women in the organization as a relevant management issue

4. Promote the insertion of women in the leadership of the union by promoting the leadership of women workers by providing tools to participate in conditions equal to those of men.

5. Advance in the presence of women in decision-making positions by eliminating bias in selection and preparing professionals to fill such positions.

6. To move towards an inclusive and responsive organizational culture to the diversity of men and women, to raise awareness and train permanently on gender issues among employees of corporations mining at all levels.

7. To have an infrastructure adapted to a mixed workforce under optimal conditions of safety, hygiene and comfort, taking into account the different needs of men and women. women.

8. Promote the return to the work of men and women after the exercise of parental rights in an environment of integration and without harming their career development or their growth opportunities.

9. Strengthen joint work with higher education institutions, technical training centers and vocational technical colleges with the aim of encouraging to encourage more women to undertake careers in the mining sector in to know and to choose to work in industry

10. Contributing to Sustainability and Local Development by working with women who are part of the mining operations' influence zone, promoting projects and / or tasks related to mining mining, making visible the work and contribution they bring.

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