The actor who personified "Jar Jar Binks" in "Star Wars: The Ghost Threat" admits that he considered suicide


Fans 'expectations of the return of "Star Wars" at the end of the century were too great when the trailer for "The Phantom Menace" was shown, the first of George Lucas' prequels trilogy that would say Origin of the fearsome Darth Vader.

But the result was far from what was expected when in 1999 the so-called "Episode I" was created, a blockbuster … And a disaster in the critics. And, without a doubt, one of the most memorized elements – and also the most hated – of this new chapter in the most important saga of the history of cinema is Jar Jar Binks, a character designed by Lucas to attract children.

And even today, synonymous with the worst that he has seen "Star Wars".

Ahmed Best remembers, personifying the character made by CGI and accompanying the protagonists throughout

Through his Instagram account, Best published a photo where he leaves with his son on the shore where he remembers where he was going to take his life 20 years ago.

20 years old next year, I faced a half reaction that still affects my career today. It is the place where I almost finished my life. It's always hard to talk. I have survived and now this little guy is my gift for survival. Would it be a good story for my solo show? Lemma know.

– Ahmed BEst (@ahmedbest) July 3, 2018

"Twenty years ago from next year onwards I will be able I faced a media reaction that still affects my career until today, it is the place where I almost finished my life, it 's still difficult to talk about it, I've survived and now this little man is my gift for survival, would that be a good story for my solo show? "

] Although it's n & # 39; There is no explicit mention of the film by Lucasfilm, next year will be two decades since the premiere of it.In addition, the actor spoke at other times of the year. 39, impact that the character's failure had on his work, which included death threats from some fans

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