The actor who played Jar Jar Binks in Star Wars has committed suicide after the reaction of the public


The actor behind Jar Jar Binks, Best Ahmed, had to have trouble. Some time ago, it was revealed that Best had begged Lucas himself to kill the character, now we learned from the actor himself that for a while he had a suicide in his thoughts

. Hatred towards a fictional character can have repercussions, especially on the real human being who plays the role. Ahmed Best spoke a few hours ago of his personal experience after the premiere of the controversial character in the Episode 1 in 1999.

While it is true that there is a small group of people who worship Jar Jar, the character was quickly dragged by public and media critics, eventually becoming one of the most hated characters in the history of Star Wars .

This ended up personally affecting the actor who embodied him. This Tuesday, Ahmed Best explained on Twitter by publishing a photo with his grandson. Best says that he contemplated suicide after the "media reaction" that he suffered almost 20 years ago:

20 years ago next year, I faced a media reaction that still affects my career right now. It's where my life is almost finished. It is still difficult to talk about it. I have survived and now this little man is my gift to this survival.

Quickly, the director of Last Jedi Rian Johnson, responded to Best, sending a message of support: " I think that there are many of us who will get a lot by listening to your story . "

Not only Johnson, the legend of Star Wars Frank Oz, who played Master Jedi Yoda, also responded to Best commented that he loved Jar Jar Binks, and recognized the public's severe response to the character:

I know I'm going to be dragged on the embers for saying that, but I will never understand the harshness of people 's dislike

You see, although most have never thought about it, make fun of it. a fictitious character may not be as innocent as it seems, especially if there is a real person who is really affected by it e. [Mashable]

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