The agitation caused in Argentina by the failed transfer of Larrondo to U. Concepción


The name of Marcelo Larrondo surely does not bring good memories to the fans of River Plate . The attacker arrived with a good sign to the millionaire box, but the constant injury led him to add only 14 games in two years. For the same reason, for this season, the technician Marcelo Gallardo informed him that he was not in his plans and that he should seek a loan

Universidad de Concepción received the message and was interested in signing the Argentine striker, but all submitted to the corresponding medical examination to see the state in which he was after the nine injuries that l? have afflicted in the Muñeco club. However, Mario Rodriguez, president of the club, said, in a conversation with CDF News, that the player did not want to pbad the exams and therefore did not take of risks with his signature.

The version of the Campanile boss was contradicted by the player: "I did not speak with the president of Concepción My representative told me that they did not hear on the terms of the loan between the two teams. I have no injuries What the president said is a lie I am available to do the medical review wherever I have not nothing and I am very calm, "he said in an interview with TyC Sports

. The Universidad de Concepción and its frustrated transfer caused a sensation in the Argentine press where, even, they described the curse as the situation of the attacker: " Continues the tests for Marcelo Larr Ondo The attacker can not leave behind the wrong series of wounds that afflict him since his departure from Rosario Central and this is made worse by the sideways look of clubs that are trying to hire him, "wrote El Ciudadano. ] Olé, meanwhile, writes that " suffering various injuries in the last time, Larrondo must continue to look for equipment for the 2018/19 season in order to accumulate minutes and competition rhythm to return to Millo and to be taken into account by Marcelo Gallardo.When he was about to formalize his pbad to the University of Concepción, the First Chilean Division, the pbad fell and now the attacker must continue to seek the club . "

On the other hand, Infobae and TN they also echoed the situation, while Clarín concluded that" l & rsquo; The future of Marcelo Larrondo is pending.Lucky in River, it seemed that the new club of the attacker was in Chile.However, the loan to the University of Concepción fell and the cross-charges started. "

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